Systems Integration
Design, Build and Delpoy Modern Data Centers, Next Gen Networking, Data Security, and Advanced Collaboration Solutions.
cCloud Services
Customized cloud solutions to fit the demands of growing business environments
Cabling & security
Structured cabling network and physical security solutions to enable your business and protect it’s assets.
A premier Hybrid IT Solutions Provider for all of your technology needs!
iTi will service every aspect of your IT needs, from on-site data center, networking and collaboration deployments to security and cloud solutions.

Enjoy elite design and function in seamless combination
We utilize industry-leading manufacturers for a number of end-to-end tech solutions, while also offering varied managed and support services to improve IT efficiency and performance.

Our Team
We are a team of IT professionals ready to help your business grow.
Recent Events
iTi Communications and our partners put on regularly scheduled events
Remote Security Webinar
Cybersecurity experts Kevin Switzer and Thomas Mann demonstrate how Cisco’s industry-leading solutions can ensure that your organization is fully protected from attacks.
Powerful Security Information & Event Management with FortiSiem
Cyberattacks are a 24/7 reality. The complexity and growth of the enterprise estate – Infrastructure, Applications, VM’s, Cloud, Endpoints and IoT means the attack surface grows exponentially.
Umbrella Security Webinar
Learn how to use cloud-based security solutions to protect your team against cybercriminals. We will be joined by Kevin Switzer, a Cisco cybersecurity expert. All attendees will receive a FREE 14-day trial of Cisco Umbrella!